I'm A Product Guy.

Good, bad, great, all products can be better.

If you’re like me, you slightly obsess over every product you come across and are either impressed and inspired by an amazing experience or deeply disappointed by a total miss.  I can’t keep this ecstasy or misery to myself so there’s usually some rant which follows.

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I am a product guy.


If you’re like me, you slightly obsess over every product you come across and are either impressed and inspired by an amazing experience or deeply disappointed by a total miss.  I can't keep this ecstasy or misery to myself so there’s usually some rant which follows.

Good, bad, great, all products can be better.

If you’re like me, you need to talk about it.  THIS is our therapy.  Let’s rant and rave and along the way talk about how to improve the products around us; the ones we love, the ones we love to hate, and even the ones which confound us.

I only ask one thing, please keep the criticism constructive and not just lob insults from the cheap seats.  A wise CTO once said “we can meet functionality, time, or budget, but you can only choose two” if you’ve ever built anything substantial you know this is usually the case – there’s more to every product's story than what appears on the surface.   Also, you may someday (you hope) be on the receiving end of similar critique so let’s keep it classy.